Wednesday, September 26, 2007


初めまして。わたしのなまえは Fay Tian (フアイ テイアン)です。わたしはちゅうごくじんです。わたしは Barnard (バナデ)だいがくのいちねさいです。じゅうきゅうさいです。日本の(りょうり)料理が大好きです。どうぞ よろしく。

Sunday, September 23, 2007

What is a good Blog???

わたしenjoy reading blogs with many pictures and exciting news. Information on the newest 日本のmanga, drama, movie, and music would be really interesting to read. 

Saturday, September 22, 2007


花さかりの君たちへis a really good manga by 中條比紗也。It's just made into a drama with 小栗旬。 There was a Chinese version that came out early this year. It was pretty good too.  I love にほの drama. The ones I really like are: Liar Game, 花样男子, 秘密花园,魔女的条件 and Hero.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Nice to Meet you All !!!

Hi! This is Fay Tian. Nice to meet you all.

Watashi wa Barnard Daigaku no ichinensei desu.

Watashi wa chugoku kara kimashita. Nihon no Manga ga daisuki desu.

My favorite mangas are Death Note, Naruto, Hunter Hunter, and Liar Game.

I want to visit Japan next summer and be able to speak Japanese while I'm there.
So... Good luck Everyone! Enjoy studying Japanese!!!