Tuesday, October 9, 2007

last summer!

Last summer かんこくへ いきました。ともたちと cityhall で worldcupを いっしょに みました。 Kimchi を いつも たべます。おいしいです。 This winter ちゅうごくへ いきます。 かぞくと あります。


Aoi Tsuki said...

Hey, you went to see the world cup? Which game(s) did you see? That's pretty cool. Over the summer internship, Microsoft had projector screens going in the cafe, so we could watch during work.

jennifer said...

no i actually haven't been to Japan but it'd be great if I could study abroad there next semester.
If you're interested in the whole cell phone culture etc. look up "gyaru-moji" and "gokon" ...those were the main points of our presentation in class.
Hope you find it as interesting as I did.

クイエン said...

I am a first-year Japanese student of University of Virginia. My sensei told us to go and comment on other schools' blogs, and I found this post of yours interesting :D
So I guess you travel a lot right? I think that is very awesome that you go with your family to different countries like that. I want to visit Japan some time in the future.

Yamen Hamaヤーメン・ハマ said...

こんにちは!WOW! That is sooo exciting. I am a にほんごの一ねんせい at バジニアだいがく(University of Virginia). My せんせい told us to comment on other schools' blogs...I'm not just a random person lol! Anyways, so you went to see the world cup, very lucky! ちゅうごくじんですか?Is that why you're going there this winter?

Alex said...

That's so awesome (I'm also a UVA student in my first year of Japanese by the way). It's always interesting to hear about people's travels to other countries. I hope to visit Japan someday, after I can speak Japanese a little better haha.

Eric L. said...

Coincidentally, I'm also a UVA student. Also, coincidentally, I am intrigued by all of the traveling that you've done/ are going to do soon. That world Cup must have been very exciting. I one day hope to visit Japan, but I don't think that my skills in the language are quite up to par yet.